类似主神大道改造地球 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 2000

导演: Matthew Gyves


  BBC最新纪录片,讲述地球的力量如何改变了人类的历史。2010年1月19日首播,共播出了5集:'Water','Deep Earth', 'Wind', 'Fire','Human Planet'。节目中,Iain Stewart教授带领观众探究几个世纪以来,地质学、地理学和气候是如何影响人类生活的。
  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With
  spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces.
  Episode 1: Water
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. This time he explores our complex relationship with water. Visiting spectacular locations in Iceland, the Middle East and India, Iain shows how control over water has been central to human existence. He takes a precarious flight in a motorised paraglider to experience the cycle of freshwater that we depend on, discovers how villagers in the foothills of the Himalayas have built a living bridge to cope with the monsoon, and visits Egypt to reveal the secret of the pharaohs' success. Throughout history, success has depended on our ability to adapt to and control constantly shifting sources of water.
  Episode 2: Deep Earth
  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces. In this first episode, Iain explores the relationship between the deep Earth and the development of human civilisation. He visits an extraordinary crystal cave in Mexico, drops down a hole in the Iranian desert and crawls through seven-thousand-year-old tunnels in Israel. His exploration reveals that throughout history, our ancestors were strangely drawn to fault lines, areas which connect the surface with the deep interior of the planet. These fault lines gave access to important resources, but also brought with them great danger.
  Episode 3: Wind
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain sets sail on one of the fastest racing boats ever built to explore the story of our turbulent relationship with the wind. Travelling to iconic locations including the Sahara desert, the coast of West Africa and the South Pacific, Iain discovers how people have exploited the power of the wind for thousands of years. The wind is a force which at first sight appears chaotic. But the patterns that lie within the atmosphere have shaped the destiny of continents, and lie at the heart of some of the greatest turning points in human history.
  Episode 4: Fire
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain explores man's relationship with fire. He begins by embarking on an extraordinary encounter with this terrifying force of nature - a walk right through the heart of a raging fire. Fire has long been our main source of energy and Iain shows how this meant that the planet played a crucial role in Britain's industrial revolution, whilst holding China's development back. Along the way he dives in a mysterious lake in Oregon, climbs a glacier of salt, crawls through an extraordinary cave in Iran and takes a therapeutic bath in crude oil.
  Episode 5: Human Planet
  Series in which Professor Iain Stewart looks at how four geological forces have shaped human history. He explores the most recently established force, humans. It's easy to think of the human impact on the planet as a negative one, but as Iain discovers, this isn't always the case. It is clear that humans have unprecedented control over many of the planet's geological cycles; the question is, how will the human race use this power?


  • 郑烨煜 4小时前 :

    Par une ouverture trempée dans l’afféterie totale façon "carte postale" suivie d’1 transition brusque filmée au ralenti du jeu d’enfant à l’émeute, Branagh affiche bel et bien ses intentions d’entrecroiser le quotient inspiré de ses souvenir d’enfance et le conflit religieux dans 1 Belfast60s. L’histoire dans l’Histoire, limiter ce Belfast à un quartier et son petit monde rajoute une touche sentimentale et intimiste, hélas, le réalisateur préfère s’appuyer sur une boursouflure stylisée dont les effets clinquants et les stéréotypes accouchent finalement un récit doucereux et scolaire.

  • 翦嘉澍 0小时前 :


  • 理芳润 3小时前 :

    7.2 有点像《乔乔的异想世界》也有点像《元首的粉兔子》但没有这两者好。在宗教矛盾下一个街道中的96号家庭的命运,是留守还是离开,聚焦点不准,情绪太散,过度全部用音乐简单的处理,显得稚嫩而单一。但巴比真的很可爱,音乐也很好听。

  • 第五傲安 7小时前 :


  • 汝晗蕾 3小时前 :


  • 祢琬凝 4小时前 :


  • 馨桂 7小时前 :

    这哪是罗马 这分明是乔乔兔 甚至都不如乔乔兔

  • 衡凯安 4小时前 :


  • 琬冰 7小时前 :


  • 费莫茹薇 1小时前 :


  • 鹏鸿 4小时前 :

    叙事视角除了 Buddy 也有大人们的沉重严肃的展现 可是这样全景式的选取就会让每一次 Van Morrison 的柔化 暖心 俏皮的 MV 格外的迷惑 最后的三个群体都致敬果然是个靠时间靠糊弄弥合大团圆结局了 除此之外给演员的表演更是舞台化与特写镜头的叠加 做作而不自知吗 不 Kenneth Branagh 当然是明知而为之 尤其是妈妈的两场台词输出 solo 给了银幕和舞台彩色 电视却是黑白 2333 p.s. 最开始以为那个牧师提及的 good/bad road 岔路画会是 Buddy 内心对当年暴动的映照暗线 结果也是半程没过就丢了 _(:з)∠)_

  • 雪妍 9小时前 :


  • 枫凌 7小时前 :


  • 段子昂 6小时前 :

    29/7/2022 @ PREMIERE ELEMENTS [euff]。雖然部份情節真的太瑣碎,也感覺不到小主角在經歷各種事情後有任何成長,但那種對自己故鄉的感情還是狠狠地打中我。無論去或留也是個痛苦的抉擇啊….

  • 苦贞韵 4小时前 :


  • 琳娅 3小时前 :


  • 鹏振 4小时前 :


  • 由光辉 0小时前 :


  • 燕香芹 0小时前 :


  • 茹新儿 6小时前 :



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