
  Arkham, 1975: Jonathan Davis' father has disappeared. His tracks lead to Germany, to the Swabian-Franconian Forest where he was stationed after the Second World War. Jonathan sets out to find him and bring him home, but deep in the woods he discovers a dark mystery from the past. Based on H.P. Lovecraft's short novel "The Colour Out of Space".
  brutashell review - 'Filmed in black and white and primarily spoken in German, it is obvious that Die Farbe did not have a huge budget to work with. Effects are minimal and the cast is utterly unknown. I should point out that these are all good things, and work very much in the film's favour. There is no CGI to rely on, no name actors to carry it. Rather, the filmmakers do the unthinkable: they create a genuine atmosphere of unimaginable dread and unspeakable horror, using shadow, suggestion and rare splashes of that Nameless colour in a few select frames. In short, they did a damn good job. Die Farbe is subtle in its mounting horror, nurturing a dark dread deep in your bowels with every shot. All of the best and most stomach-turningly distressing films I’ve ever seen have come out of Germany: M, The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, The White Ribbon, and now this one. Leave it to the Germans. We know how to gross you out on the deepest psychological levels.
  Lovecraft worshippers and devotees of German Expressionism alike, take heed: seek out and view this film at your earliest possible convenience. It’s a dark, noisome little gem that will squirm into your subconscious and lay its eggs in your sanity. Hey, not everyone gets the honour of being a host organism for the Elder Gods, you know.'


  • 栋辰 2小时前 :


  • 震骏 3小时前 :


  • 肇盼晴 5小时前 :

    在2021年学到的东西就是,从2020年什么也没学到。讽刺手法比don't look up高级多了,梗也更加密集、很不错。

  • 梅问雁 8小时前 :

    让人期待的Death to 202X 又来了!每年元旦前定期观看都有种看元旦联欢晚会的感觉了。6

  • 行辰钊 2小时前 :

    Damn the love at first sight.(งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

  • 锦驰 1小时前 :


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  • 泰念真 3小时前 :


  • 梁骏 9小时前 :

    哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈好多梗笑出聲,荒誕詭譎的世界在2021年繼續荒誕詭譎,各種騷操作也並非只有美利堅如此魔怔,我們的世界越來越龜縮成藩鎮割據,想到這裡就不好笑了⋯⋯雖然2021馬上就要滾蛋了,然而想到即將來臨的2022竟然沒有多少期許,一切會變好嗎?fxcking worse⋯⋯

  • 蒲含玉 2小时前 :

    虽然整体结构一般 为了其中难过到落泪的地方点上三星

  • 郯柔婉 2小时前 :


  • 羊舌昊天 0小时前 :


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