心心相印成语接龙 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2007

导演: 乔恩·加西亚


  Moving to Portland, Oregon and finding work in food service is easy for Paul and Ramona. A struggling musician without bandmates, Paul becomes introverted and moody. Ramona's friend from college introduces her to a new social circle and she goes out while Paul stays home. When Ramona confronts turning thirty, it's time to grow beyond old routines and her relationship with Paul comes to a head.
  Paul and Ramona, a young couple in need of a change, move to Portland, Oregon from their hometown of Boise. Upon arriving, they sublet an apartment and begin to familiarize themselves with the city. While finding work is easy (Ramona begins waitressing, while Paul gets a job at a coffee shop), change is difficult. Their life in this new city seems to be on repeat. When their car breaks down and a tandem bicycle becomes their primary means of transportation, Ramona refuses to ride.
  A struggling musician, Paul, spends most of his time at home, steadily becoming introverted and moody, while Ramona, at the insistence of a co-worker, is thrust into a new social circle, where she begins an affair with a co-worker. Ramona and Paul’s relationship implodes after she confesses and in the ensuing conflict, she impulsively leaves to stay with a friend. Paul, desperate to work through the pain of the split, befriends a quirky barista named Ali. This friendship gives him a chance to begin to heal and inspires him to focus on expression through his music.


  • 嘉子明 1小时前 :


  • 俞雁易 7小时前 :

    手机全关机的考场 never tear us apart 一响起 鸡皮疙瘩瞬间起来 / 很喜欢最后那段ghost的解读 / 如果不是车祸真的太太太草率 分也不至于这么低 / - Because you're...beyond repair. - I get close to people and they disappear on me. - You just gonna push me away like you do everyone? - If I hadn't spent my whole life just pushing everyone away,I would have understood that. - 我们每个人都被鬼魂缠身 童年创伤 未完成的梦想 失恋……

  • 乙小瑜 7小时前 :


  • 悉凝荷 8小时前 :


  • 厍思雨 1小时前 :


  • 咸弘和 7小时前 :


  • 卷彬郁 3小时前 :


  • 书娜兰 5小时前 :

    3.5 歌是真的不错!jlo yyds

  • 卫鲁闽 3小时前 :


  • 慈丹秋 7小时前 :


  • 区绮烟 7小时前 :


  • 卫勇 0小时前 :


  • 怀清润 7小时前 :

    就喜欢俗套,love is all about the journey

  • 弘年 7小时前 :


  • 夹谷丹蝶 7小时前 :

    jlo真的大女皇 可不知道咋回事儿我总觉得她很多时候有点土土 那橘色毛衣和粉色帽子是咋回事儿

  • 厍思雨 5小时前 :


  • 公西若雁 5小时前 :

    今年的爱情片都好对我胃口!我太爱欧文威尔逊了!特意去翻了一下,曼哈顿女佣竟然已经是20年前的片子了,jennifer lopez看着还差不多哇。

  • 依白夏 0小时前 :


  • 仁弘懿 9小时前 :

    去电影院看了JLo和Owen Wilson的喜剧电影《和我结婚》。全球顶流Diva阴差阳错“嫁给”中学奥数老师,将错就错的相处中才发现真爱早已命中注定——原来即使二十年过去,诺丁山式的爱情童话依然可以让人怦然心动。影片节奏流畅,前后呼应又做得很好,看似不现实的老套故事也写得水到渠成不落俗套。以至于看到最后两人的拥抱,会对着荧幕会心微笑的同时,在心里偷偷想,自由和浪漫的恋爱,真是这个世界上最美好的东西。

  • 司寇思楠 6小时前 :

    jlo真的大女皇 可不知道咋回事儿我总觉得她很多时候有点土土 那橘色毛衣和粉色帽子是咋回事儿


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